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Can it be more than ink on paper?

We believe it can.

The mission at Good Paper is to restore the human spirit. To restore the humanity and beauty within each of us that gets so easily forgotten and tossed aside.

We start with our cardmakers - women who have escaped sex trafficking in the Philippines and young adults orphaned by disease in Rwanda.

It continues with you, sending one of our creations to a loved one, and in turn delivering ...

Delight. Encouragement. Joy. Hope.

Loran's Story

Despite experiencing hardship from early in her youth, Loran is now able to dream about the future because she is making cards for Good Paper.

Loran was only nine years old when her mother passed away. Soon after, her father abandoned the family, leaving her and her older sister in charge of their eight younger siblings. She was forced to abandon her studies, home and dreams to earn money to support her family. After moving out of her home, Loran scrambled to find work. For six months, she earned a small income working as a babysitter. However, the amount she earned was not enough to support her big family. At age 15, she was forced to turn toward prostitution.

Each night of work was painful and felt endless. She continued to harbor much bitterness from her mother's death. Her dream of receiving an education grew dimmer every day. She remained in prostitution for three years.

Loran's life has been transformed since she began making cards for Good Paper. She now earns a steady income and participates in dignifying work. "At first, making the cards was hard. But because of the gradual change in my heart and mind, I am able to focus on the bigger picture and enjoy the work." She has saved enough money to send her two daughters to school.

Loran's dreams for the future have been restored. "I no longer cry when I speak of my past." Through her work, Loran has She hopes to expand on her card-making skill set to manage her own store. More than hope for her own life, she has hope for her daughters, and looks forward to seeing them both of them finish school.

"I encourage them to dream big."

Good Paper is part of the rapidly growing fair trade movement. From coffee to chocolates to flowers to clothing, consumers have more and more options every day to ensure that the money they spend on their daily purchases really do go back to helping the people who make them. When you purchase a Good Paper card, you know you are creating a job for someone who would not be able to find dignifying work otherwise. You are partnering with us to transform our global economy into a force for social good.

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